Roche Molecular Diagnostics

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Roche Diagnostics wanted to better communicate how its Molecular Diagnostics division beneficially impacts wellness, is distinctive from others, and adds unique value to the Roche family of companies. They turned to the IDEAS for one of our proprietary StoryJam workshops.

Working with Roche leadership, internal subject matter experts, and external healthcare professionals, the IDEAS team was able to develop a core narrative positioning Roche Molecular Diagnostics that clarified their products, service offerings, and capabilities, builfingconsensus among the participants around a shared story depicting how best to move forward and prioritize next steps. IDEAS also prepared enculturation plans to internally communicate this core narrative across the organization to drive change and create the desired future state.

Roche Molecular’s science was ahead of its time but, as is often the case with new thinking, it had proved difficult to explain in “kitchen table” language. One senior executive noted that the StoryJam and Experiecne Design Plan IDEAS created was more potent and cost-effective than anything they had done to date through multiple marketing and advertising campaigns.

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