IDEAS has completed post production for the upcoming HULU Series South Beach, produced by Miami-based Dolphin Digital Entertainment. IDEAS was responsible for completing video and post production audio for the 6-episode series that premieres on July 29 on HULU. The drama about the Miami recording business follows the aftermath of...
When you have had five wonderful and unique greyhounds come in and out of your lives, you really do think you’ve seen it all – each one has a unique personality, and believe me, they are very different – from the class clown who is distracted by butterflies and pink...
It’s easy to understand that every person has his or her own agenda. Human beings are naturally selfish- it’s just the nature of the beast. It was necessary in our primitive beginnings to care for ourselves before we could truly care for others, not out of desire but in order...
IDEAS has been selected as the post production facility for USA Network’s TV series WWE Tough Enough. IDEAS will provide editing and audio mixing support for the 10-episode series that premieres Tuesday June 23 at 8pm (eastern) on USA Network. WWE Tough Enough will feature a group of 14 individuals...
During the recently completed legislative session in Tallahassee the film, TV and digital media industry (entertainment industry) made great strides in attempting to get a bill passed that would kick start the critically needed tax rebate program for the entertainment industry. There are never any guarantees but before the legislative...
Here at IDEAS we like to stay on top of the latest trends, and over the past few months have been experimenting with beacon technology. As a very quick primer in case you are unfamiliar, beacons are (typically) small, battery-powered devices that can be placed indoors or outdoors, which constantly...
IDEAS has been awarded three Telly Awards and a Communicator Award for its Rebrand Roll-Out video and two Communicator Awards for its new website. The video and website were used to launch the new IDEAS brand in 2014. IDEAS launched its new brand in a move to align the brand with the company’s evolution...
StoryCare®, an interactive library of healthcare learning audio simulations developed through a unique partnership between IDEAS and Synensis, has just released a library of story simulations that are aligned with the international QSEN nursing competencies, and is now being distributed to the professional education market by Laerdal Medical, one of...
There's no question that mobile games have been growing in popularity since mobile devices became ubiquitous. The evolution of game development at IDEAS has given us all lots of insight into the many aspects of starting a project from beginning to end. This article is the first in a series which...
IDEAS Chief Operating Officer John Lux was featured on a recent episode of WKMG's (CBS, Orlando) FlashPOINT along with Sheena Fowler, from the Orlando EDC and Film Orlando and State Representative Mike Miller. Almost the entire episode was devoted to the need for a long-term tax credit program for the film, TV...
IDEAS recently attended the downtown Orlando Global Game Jam, which is an event that thousands of game developers, artists, musicians, and even game enthusiasts attend to create a game within 48 hours. This year was a record breaking year according to their official website, noting that 28,837 people registered for...
One of the root causes of the difficulty we find ourselves in on Earth today is the fallacy of separateness. As an experiment, stop what you’re doing, and really reflect on the collection of thoughts, perceptions, feelings and body that you commonly call “ME”. As you look at this interesting...