Kids Get A Plan

Florida Division of Emergency Management

Project Categories:

The Florida Division of Emergency Management partnered with IDEAS to create 

We based the website on three books IDEAS wrote in 2004 for first, second and third graders in Florida schools. A fourth book for fourth and fifth graders that we wrote in 2009 complemented them.

Additionally, we used the Florida Evacuates website and mobile app.

About the Books

  • The storybook for first graders — “The Adventures of Rabbit, Possum, and Squirrel in The 30/30 Rule” — teaches young children how they can protect themselves from lightning strikes.
  • “Professor Tinkermeister and the Wacky, Whiz-Bang, Weather-Watching Wonder” shows second-grade readers how to protect themselves from thunderstorms.
  • In “The Oak Tree Club,” third graders learn how they can create a disaster supply kit for their families to prepare for a hurricane.
  • “MegaTrack HTW” is a fourth- and fifth-grade reader book about wildfire safety and what to expect if they have to evacuate to an emergency shelter.

Immersive Website and More

A 3D cartoon featuring “Professor Tinkermeister” and other book characters greets all Floridians on the site’s home page. 

It then prompts kids to choose from interactive online stories. They can hear the story aloud or read on their own, with just-in-time help if they get stuck. 

Reading cues help improve their comprehension, while a glossary helps increase their vocabulary. Instructional activities include games that reinforce the books’ learning, including an activity that lets them build a disaster supply kit for their family. 

Additionally, downloadable coloring pages, character profiles and fully produced and sound-designed book depictions (see below) are available. 

We developed the reading materials in alignment with the Florida Sunshine State Standards for reading and science. A guide for teachers and parents accompanies each story to extend activities into the home and classroom. 

Students can also read the website in Spanish.

“This new site will help provide important information and educational materials about weather hazards and safety tips for use by students, parents, and teachers alike. There is something valuable there for all ‘kids’ – both the young and young at heart.”

—Craig Fugate, FEMA Director, former Director of the Florida Division of Emergency Management

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