Give Kids The World

Orlando, FL

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Give Kids The World is a one of a kind 89-acre, non-profit resort in Kissimmee, Florida providing week-long, cost-free “wish vacations” for terminally ill children and their families from around the world. After decades of success, Give Kids The World, invited IDEAS to help them explore their brand, position it better for future growth opportunities, and build on their decades of stories to develop new intellectual properties.

IDEAS led the GKTW leadership, staff, and board members through a StoryJam™ workshop to build a common, universal narrative for the brand and its future. Based on the StoryJam, we developed an updated brand charter, and designed a new brand architecture clearly defining how the brand could extend from the Village to other experiences it may create around the world. The IDEAS creative team also developed in-depth backstories building upon the GKTW Village’s resident character bios. This even led to a fictitious full-page spread rolling out these new character backstories in Hoppers Bazaar magazine. 

The brand work explored the possibility of GKTW becoming a worldwide exemplar of “transformative hospitality” and designing future experiential enhancements positioning their very unique guests at the heart of the work.

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