Category: Archive

  • I think this is the first time I have posted twice in one day. I am only doing it because there has been so much progress since this morning. By the end of the day, the lobby had been stripped and prepped, the base boards were done on the west...

  • I went to the building this morning to check in on the flooring. Everything is coming together great. We did have a little drama. A portion of the building has a raised technical floor. Since most of the floor tiles are pretty old and beat up we decided to put...

  • David, Mary Anne and I had our first official client meeting at the new building today. It was pretty cool to see the reaction of a client who has spent a lot of time in the current building when he saw the new building.The painters were already there finishing the...

  • The first two webisodes were posted on the website today. I'm obviously very close to the situation but I think the videos tell a good story. We hope the next webisode will be posted tomorrow. cabinets were installed today and they look awesome. Just like everything else thus far,...

  • For the last 2 weeks David and I have been anxiously awaiting a red cent sighting. Red cent is the accent color on the East side of the building and for whatever reason, the painters haven't done any of the walls with that color. The anticipation was killing us but...

  • Today was a busy day. We had what was probably our last presentation to our staff about the progress of the new home. We have them every two weeks and two weeks from today is day one of the move so we certainly won't have any meetings that day. I...

  • We had a change of heart today on some painting. We have this great building with the new offices and great paint and we know the flooring will only make it better. It was brought to our attention that the offices on the west side of the building that we...

  • It's been a couple days since my last post. Since then the painting has progressed quite a bit. Painting got off to a slow start but they have made a lot of progress in the last 2 days. Yesterday the door frames for the new doors went in. We also...

  • A lot has happened since my last post. Painting started just a couple days ago so I went there yesterday afternoon to check on the progress. David had called earlier in the day after he made an "executive decision". On the west side of the building we had a base...

  • Painting started yesterday. David & I went this morning and the conference room was about 60% completed and one of the main hallways was 90% painted. When we left they had just started one of the accent walls. When the building was all gray wallpaper it was a normal corporate...

  • Today was inspection, everything passed with a few minor tweaks. With everything passing we were officially able to move the schedule up a couple days. Keep your fingers crossed the schedule stays that way.We also saw the newly exposed windows in the graphic area. It makes the room look so...

  • David checked the online inventory for our lights on the IKEA website this morning and saw the Orlando store had 10 lights in. I gave him the credit card and before the end of the day, all 10 were in David's car on their way to the new building. Of...