Painting & Final Construction

By John Lux

It’s been a couple days since my last post. Since then the painting has progressed quite a bit. Painting got off to a slow start but they have made a lot of progress in the last 2 days. Yesterday the door frames for the new doors went in. We also took out a door in the back hallway of the building heading towards the break area and engineering that looks good. According to the schedule, painting will be completed by the end of the week, clean up to follow with flooring to start next Monday. Someone here made the comment that if flooring is starting next week the end must be close, gulp.

Since we made the slight change to the painting last week I’m really happy with how it looks. I can’t wait to see the flooring with it. We said fromt he very beginning that the most important upgrades tot he building will be the walls (painting) and flooring. We said that months ago and we’re about a week out from seeing it. Check out the updated pictures on the website

We also will be singing the contract for the next phase of our audio build out in the next 24 hours. We saw the first drawing of the mix suite last Friday. David made a calendar of things that have to happen between now and about April 10th and there’s something on every day. It’s going to be a busy couple weeks.

As we continue to pack the current building, somethings we’re happy to see go and others are a little sad. For instance, we have decided happily to sell the Studer mixing board in Audio A and get a new ICON board. The Studer has been great for us over the last 11 years but it was time. On the other hand, the projection screen in Audio A and the Screening Room came down today. When you think of what was shown on those screens over the last 20+ years, it’s been a great run for those rooms. On the other hand, the new building will have a nice home theater to replace the screening room and our new Audio A will have start of the art equipment and be acoustically designed for the technology today.

March 17, 2009|Archive|

About the Author: John Lux

As COO of IDEAS, John manages the day-to-day operations of the company. He is a category expert in studio production and is responsible for bringing advanced digital media technology to IDEAS.

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