Category: Archive

  • The insert stage at our Downtown Orlando Studio is equipped with a cove/cyc for still photo shoots as well as smaller production shoots. The stage is approximately 750 sq./ft. and can be painted white, black or green. The stage has a small dressing room, restroom and has easy ramp access to...

  • Tuesday night a couple of our edit staff went to the Orlando Post Pros meeting to see a demonstration of the newly released Avid Media Composer 5 software. Generally speaking, they guys were very impressed, here’s a few highlights. AMA Media Management- you can work natively with QuickTime media. You...

  • In the continuing saga of The Radical Platypus (, Jim Brazell and I along with our pal Jud French from the Digital Media Alliance of Florida gave a talk at the leadership Summit for the Florida Alliance for Arts Education last Friday in Lakeland. These are educators who have embraced...

  • Over the years we have tried to do some fun company-wide things to break up the monotony of work, day after day after day. We have tried to come up with some fun things- movie night, mini golf, Wii tournament, etc. In the end though, most of our activities end up...

  • IDEAS was hatched in the most amazing creative incubator imaginable- Walt Disney World. We love our Disney heritage and treasure our Disney clients and friends. My own connection there goes even deeper. In 1955, a struggling student going to Cal Poly in Long Beach California on the GI bill heard...

  • This past Friday was a monumental day for the Film & Entertainment industry in Florida. For the first time in many years, a bill passed in Tallahassee that will put the industry back on the worldwide map when it comes to work. I moved to Central Florida in April 1998....

  • A couple years ago we were trying to come up with creative for our then new website. We kept coming back to one thing- while the work we do for clients is important, what we really sell is relationships. Ultimately for a project to be successful there needs to be...

  • Last night there was a quiet celebration. The Simulation Interoperability and Standards Organization and the Society for Computer Simulation International teamed up to host “CELEBRATE Central Florida Modeling and Simulation”. Now, that’s a mouthful of organizations and pretty geeky looking till you look deeper. 11 of the honorees represented work...

  • Last week we met in Indianapolis with a group of teachers from the Metropolitan School District of Wayne Township to help them brainstorm about the best way to get started using the TeacherStudio. Rolling out a new product in a school district (especially one that requires a great deal of...

  • As I watched the Olympics over the last two weeks I kept arguing with myself- has technology helped or hurt the Olympics? The truth is, I still haven't won or lost the argument. With this being the 30 year anniversary of the Miracle on Ice hockey game I watched a...

  • It's about 36 degrees and raining outside and the sky looks like an impenetrable roof. That would be Albany, the Capital of New York, at the need of February. I’ve come on our third Radical Platypus mission. You may remember that my pal Jim Brazell, a futurist, scientist and general...

  • Last week I got to spend two days in Sarasota as a participant in the Ringling College 2010 Design Summit. It was energizing to be immersed in a group of business and governmental leaders for two days exploring the idea of Design and Business. What I heard and experienced was...