Category: Archive

  • Besides the dividers for the design & programming area, we also received a sample for the way finding idea we're exploring, round 2 of business cards for some of the staff, and the 2 full-motion wall mounts for the LCD screens that will go in Bay 1 & Bay 2.The...

  • Last week I mentioned being interviewed by a technology reporter from the Orlando Sentinel. The article/profile was in today's Central Florida Business section of the Orlando Sentinel. Here's the link:,0,3994205.storyThey say any press is good but when it actually is good press it makes it that much better.Today we also...

  • There was a lot of stuff that came from our old building that we really weren't sure if we needed. It became official this week that most of it was not needed. So today recyclers came with a large box truck to take away unneeded equipment and furniture. We had...

  • Today we finalized which LCD screens we're getting for the lobby, Bay 1 & Bay 2. We also decided and ordered the mounting mechanisms for all of the monitors, LCDs and plasmas. The LCDs in Bay 1 & Bay 2 will be the full motion- can pull away from the...

  • Today started week 5 in the new building. And just like last week, lots of meetings and tours with people and the rest of the week will be more of the same. We're locked in for the next round of interviews for the Behind The Scenes webisodes. We're shooting 11...

  • Yesterday was another milestone day for us in the new building, we had our first edit session with a client. Our earlier sessions were unsupervised but yesterday we actually had clients in the edit suite while Sam did the session. Again, sounds like no big deal but there are a...

  • Today was a busy day, lots happening. Our new chairs for the Story Lab and the stools for the kitchen arrived. The Story Lab chairs are really comfortable and the stools are really nice. Any time you make a decision about something that is going to stick with you for...

  • Yesterday we did our first edit session. It was a small one but you have to start somewhere. It was actually kind of fitting that the session was for a client we have been working with since 2001. It's an ongoing monthly project that we do a update each month....

  • I have received a couple e-mails asking when new webisodes will be on the website, iTunes and youtube. It looks like it will be a couple weeks still. We need to shoot more interviews and everyone has been so busy betting the new building up and running we haven't had...

  • I haven't posted since Wednesday but that's not because of a lack of things to talk about, just busy actually doing my job. Thursday I had a final walk through with people from Disney at the old building to answer questions and point out things. It was pretty painless. I...

  • Today was the last day of moving things from the old building to the new building. The only things left there are items we're not taking and things that are being recycled (to be picked up in the next couple days). Today was the Foley prop room, the final stuff...

  • A lot was accomplished today. Dennis & Dexter made a lot of progress getting the design & programming area fully connected to the Internet and within 24 hours they should be able to access our servers so that area will be fully functional. Sam & Rob continue to help out...