Our First Edit Session

By John Lux

Yesterday we did our first edit session. It was a small one but you have to start somewhere. It was actually kind of fitting that the session was for a client we have been working with since 2001. It’s an ongoing monthly project that we do a update each month. It made me think how for most of our clients our move downtown will be seamless. We work with a lot of clients who we don’t see much face to face. As far as they are concerned we could be in Kansas. As long as we can fulfill the request it doesn’t matter where we are and this proved that.

Now that we have one edit suite up it’s on to the next one for Dennis and team. By the time I left today the Final Cut was up and functional. A lot of work still to get machine control and some other little things but you have to start somewhere and it is nice to see monitors and computers on in two rooms. It’s just in the nick of time as we have clients lining up for edit time. Keep it coming, that’s why we have 3 edit suites.

Mary Anne and I went out today in quest of some things that may be part of our way finding in the building. We have two things that we’re concentrating on that are related. First is the baby pictures with name plates outside everyone’s office and the second is the way finding throughout the building. Mary Anne came up with an idea for way finding that would be a little different but cool. Today we were looking for possible lettering for the signage. For the pictures and name plates we’re going to try to consolidate them into one thing. David & Mary Anne came up with an idea that would put the picture in a frame with our name on the picture. We’ll see how it turns out. Our goal is to make both things informative but different.

April 28, 2009|Archive|

About the Author: John Lux

As COO of IDEAS, John manages the day-to-day operations of the company. He is a category expert in studio production and is responsible for bringing advanced digital media technology to IDEAS.

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