Category: Archive

  • A little more than a month ago we announced our new post production audio mix room was up and running. This was huge milestone for us as the room was 2 years in the making. We are happy to have the new room completed and in use for many reasons,...

  • For those who aren't following at home, July 1, 2011 will mark the 10th Anniversary for IDEAS. As we look back over the next few weeks, I thought it might be fun to look at a project or two that we were working on during each year of our existence. We’ll...

  • In 1968, I got received two gifts for an otherwise awkward 14th birthday. One was a well preserved late 40s vintage Argus C3 35mm view camera. Not even a single lens reflex style, this old camera was a simple viewfinder and one fixed 50mm lens. My dad won it in...

  • I am an admitted space geek. Yeah yeah, you SAY you are too but let me set the bar for you. When I was a kid we lived in California. During the early Mercury and Gemini launches, I was allowed to stay home from school. I got up at 3:00...

  • Today, I’m giving a talk at UCF CREATE as part of the Florida Alliance for Arts in Education’s Digital Media Festival. The theme is “digital storytelling” but I figured that MOST of the emphasis would be on the “digital” part so I’m leaning heavily in the other direction. My talk...

  • Several years ago, IDEAS was privileged to help gather and present the stories of Holocaust survivors and their families in their own words as part of an exhibit at The Holocaust Resource and Education Center of Florida. Just last month, I was invited to attend their annual dinner of tribute...

  • Today was a great example of why the eclectic nature of our work is energizing. In the last 8 hours, we’ve been working on a completely new way for farmers to buy critical services, how to brand a micro-budget film festival, the right way to serve early learning educators, advanced...

  • Yesterday I was fortunate to give the keynote speech for the annual meeting of the Florida Attractions Association. It was a tremendous audience and one that felt like home for me since I pretty much grew up in the attractions business. My talk was called “Zennovation: The Power of The Net Present...

  • 5/16/2011: The last few weeks have been excruciating. We are itching so bad to open the room officially and get working. Unfortunately there are a lot of little things that we needed to complete before we could be open to the public. The one thing we have talked a lot...

  • This past Monday IDEAS in conjunction with our partner, Healthcare Team Training (HTT), launched the pilot for StoryCare, a rapid cycle improvement product for healthcare teams to improve patient safety, patient satisfaction, and staff engagement. The site is DeKalb Medical in Atlanta, and we’ll be working with 4 units in...

  • Last week I flew out to Seattle to continue work on an Experience Design project for a client in the fitness and wellness industry. I spent the day with their Director of User Experience working on this new fitness experience for their upcoming new product line. They use story much...

  • If you have not yet had the experience of volunteering your time for something other than your work time, give it a try - it really is what keeps America headed in the right direction. Just this past week I was able to participate once again on the WMFE Radio...