So I know this is going to sound strange given I've been posting for weeks about the new place but finally today, we signed the lease. It's been a roller coaster for the last 6 weeks. There have been many times when I thought this day may not come. But...
All of the bids are in for the build out of the new building. All the contractors were given the same scope to bid on and we knew going into it that we were asking for more than we were budgeted for. We did that on purpose so we could...
Yesterday we saw our sample flooring for the first time and it was great. Putting the new samples down over the current flooring you can immediately see the difference it's going to make in the whole building. If we can't do anything else in the whole place, we'll be proud...
Thursday was a very busy day at the new building. We had another 7 meetings with potential contractors for the build out. A couple of the meetings were follow ups but most were people seeing the building for the first time. It amazing how the same building can be seen...
Yesterday was our second full day of interviews/meetings with potential architects, general contractors and flooring people. So far we have met with 1 pure architect (who brings an interior person with him), 2 pure flooring companies and 2 general contractors (who bring an architect and interior person with them). I'm...
So we've been looking for our new home for a couple months. We've seen more than 15 potential places in person and another 50 on-line. In the end, we found a place we think will work for us. The only problem is that the building is owned by the Tribune...