Is It Possible to Change the Way Knowledge is Used and Shared Throughout the World?

By Rick Stone

“Active Knowledge” redefines GPS as a Global Performance System that can help improve and transform societies, to open success to everyone.

Recently introduced, Expandiverse Technology leaps ahead decades into the kind of fully digital world many have predicted by the middle of this century. Using its “Active Knowledge Machine” people will be able to reach for new levels of success throughout their lives.

Dan Abelow, the creator of the Expandiverse™, states, “We can begin creating an Active Knowledge Machine where knowledge finds people. No longer will people have to stop what they’re doing, conduct a search, jump between links to figure out the right knowledge, then apply it by trial and error, and too often give up or make do. Instead, Active Knowledge can find those who need it and tap them on the shoulder. People could be more productive and successful. Networks could deliver ‘how to succeed’ knowledge. Entire societies might leap ahead.”

The Active Knowledge Machine: Its history and future.

The Expandiverse was conceived in 2007 after Dan Abelow sold his previous patents, which have since been licensed by over 450 companies. Abelow’s resulting years of work are finally becoming public. The Expandiverse fills the R&D hole of 20 to 30 years out. This is the long-term future that was abandoned as an R&D goal when everyone’s focus shifted to the disruptive quick wins of the next 3 to 5 years.

An Expandiverse offers new options for the anxiety epidemic that is sweeping millions because an avalanche of low paying jobs is replacing the future for today’s middle class and today’s children.

In an Expandiverse an Active Knowledge Machine identifies behavior, tracks it, aggregates it, and delivers active knowledge – plus the best choices – as networks respond to what people try to do.

Each person on the network is a knowledge filter. As a person does tasks with a networked device, the device and application are known, and the steps are triggers. An Active Knowledge Machine identifies behavior, tracks it and aggregates it. It also knows what others do at each step. It retrieves and delivers active knowledge as a response to what people do. Active knowledge includes what the world’s most successful people do, so everyone who wants to know can see and learn the best ways to succeed.

Ultimately, the Active Knowledge Machine redefines learning. It makes learning normal and controlled by each person’s activities, rather than planned, curriculum-driven and forced. It allows everyone to rise to the world’s best levels of performance as quickly as they choose, even throughout whole societies.

In an Expandiverse education happens all the time. Through one’s entire lifetime the advances continue, available as relevant and quick choices, spreading humanity’s combined abilities at the speed and scope of its networks.

The Expandiverse’s Ladder of Human Success

The Active Knowledge Machine also delivers what it learns about how to reach the highest levels of performance possible. It’s entirely up to each person when and why they ascend these rungs:

  • First rung: Collect and deliver active knowledge that fits what people try to do.
  • Second rung: Deliver the best choices for what each person does.
  • Third rung: Enable purchases during use. Move the point of sale inside tasks during the moment of need.
  • Fourth rung: Optimization systems that make sure the active knowledge is the best available.
  • Fifth rung: Deliver new advances to everyone worldwide.
  • Sixth rung: Redefine networks. The real reason for networks? Human success.

AnthroTechtonics: Surge into this future

The Expandiverse’s inventor created a new word for this potentially surging process, AnthroTechtonics. It’s a word with ancient roots but global impact: A world where everyone can rise above the bell curve. A world where everyone might take steps to become the best.

Abelow suggests, “For the first time in history, consider societies in which everyone can aspire to the highest levels known. This inverts the traditional pyramid of power and wealth — without revolting or attacking those at the top because an Expandiverse enables more and more people to rise to the top.”

Abelow says active knowledge and AnthroTechtonics raise fundamental questions. “Can networks flip societies’ pyramids so there are many more winners? Can everyone do well enough to join the middle class – and can those in it exceed that living standard? Can rising waves of people who achieve more consume more, producing more business revenues and increasing economic growth? How long will it take to make this the more successful world that we want?”

About the Inventor and Author: Dan Abelow, a graduate of Harvard and the Wharton School, is an American inventor, technology consultant and author. His previous patents have been licensed by over 450 corporations that include Apple, Google, Microsoft, Samsung Electronics and many others. Abelow’s Expandiverse™ is specified in a 1,400 page patent filing that describes how Expandiverse Technology can build the first fully realized digital reality that can stand next to the physical world – a digital world whose global people and abilities might be able to take on the monumental challenges that will arrive throughout this century.

For more information on the Active Knowledge Machine, see To schedule an interview with Dan Abelow, please call Dan directly at (407) 786-7422, or email him at

IDEAS is supporting Dan Abelow in a number of areas including assisting him in developing speeches that he plans to deliver around the world to business and thought leaders on the future of technology as Dan has envisioned it in what he terms the “Expandiverse.” IDEAS is also developing video assets that he will use to promote these concepts on his website and on YouTube. And finally, IDEAS has been involved in key design elements on his website, including the development of the Expandiverse logo.

August 1, 2012|Archive|

About the Author: Rick Stone

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