IDEAS Wins Telly Award for SkillsTutor Video

By John Lux

TellyAwardStatueIDEAS has been awarded a Telly Award for its work on a marketing video for SkillsTutor, the company of choice for cloud-based, digital, personalized assessment and instruction to significantly increase student achievement. The video, featuring SkillsTutor CEO Adam Hall explaining why SkillsTutor is the right choice for online learning, was awarded the Telly Award in the Non-Broadcast Productions – Direct Marketing category.

“We are proud to have won the Telly Award for our work with SkillsTutor,” stated John Lux, COO of IDEAS. “The work SkillsTutor does in the education field is extremely important and is something we have a passion for along with them. For the Telly Award committee to recognize the quality of product that we created, it makes it satisfying on both a personal and professional level.”

Founded in 1979, the Telly Awards is the premier award honoring outstanding local, regional, and cable TV commercials and programs, the finest video and film productions, and web commercials, videos and films. Winners represent the best work of the most respected advertising agencies, production companies, television stations, cable operators, and corporate video departments in the world.

The concept for the video was to allow the market to hear directly from CEO, Adam Hall, all the compelling reasons that SkillsTutor is the right choice for online learning. Wrapped around Adam’s upbeat presentation is the most powerful voice of all – their customers supporting what Adam has to say in their own words. IDEAS first wrote the script collaboratively with the SkillsTutor team. Then production was executed in one day on the IDEAS insert stage. Almost immediately, the video was in graphic design for the creation of the virtual set environment. The final step of the process was post production audio for sound design.

About IDEAS: Located in downtown Orlando, IDEAS is an Innovation Studio using the central premise that powerful stories create powerful experiences. IDEAS creates entertainment, learning, and marketing products for healthcare, corporate, government, and entertainment clients worldwide as well as creating its own intellectual property.

About SkillsTutor: SkillsTutor, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt is the company of choice for cloud-based, digital, personalized assessment and instruction to significantly increase student achievement.  SkillsTutor solutions provide differentiated instruction and tools for educators to make data-driven decisions to meet state and federal accountability requirements. SkillsTutor provides affordable, engaging, targeted, online instruction that is efficient and relevant, having served over 2.5 million students and delivered over 200 million lessons. For more about SkillsTutor visit

For more about the Telly Awards visit

March 6, 2013|News|

About the Author: John Lux

As COO of IDEAS, John manages the day-to-day operations of the company. He is a category expert in studio production and is responsible for bringing advanced digital media technology to IDEAS.

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