IDEAS Healthcare Practice- Part 3

By Rick Stone

The final installment on our Healthcare Practice. Once our 4-step approach is followed (talked about in our previous entries), we believe an organization’s staff can now learn concrete steps to improve patient satisfaction based on our groundbreaking qualitative research and experience design expertise. We help teach an organization what we have learned about the patient’s perspective, and how nurses, physicians, and non-clinical staff can make a tangible difference in the non-clinical aspects of patient care that are integral to the HCAHPS performance.

We teach 6 New Ways to Improve Patient Satisfaction
1. How to Identify Patient Satisfaction Drivers: The organization must attend to the 6 core drivers of the patient experience to guarantee positive patient satisfaction. We explore these drivers work, and show how to make them work for the organization to make a difference for patients.

2. How to Bridge the Gap between Patient & Caregiver: Clinicians and patients live in two separate worlds and speak two different lead to huge disconnects for patients, how staff can learn to see the world through the patient’s eyes, and what they can do to bridge the gap.

3. How Physicians Can Become 10-Second Heroes: Physicians often miss the mark with patients, and consistently receive the worst satisfaction ratings of all clinical staff. We’ll teach how they can improve the way patients perceive their care in six easy steps that won’t require any significant time commitment.

4. How to Protect and Nurture the Caregiver’s Circle™: We’ve learned in great detail how caregivers and family members are frequently pulled out of what we call the Caregiver Circle. We’ll show what the organization can do to optimize how staff enters that circle, decrease patient isolation, and improve patients’ perception of care and support.

5. How to Utilize the Patient Journey to Develop New Service Offerings: Patients are on a distinctive journey in which their clinical care is just one facet. We’ll show new ways to view the patient journey through the patient’s eyes and help discover unique opportunities for improvement.

6. How to Escalate the Perception of Care: Clinicians communicate with patients on a continuum that can directly impact patients’ HCAHPS evaluations. We’ll show how to move clinical staff from “clinical” to “informative” to “empathic” care, and how the latter is the most valued and remembered by patients.

January 19, 2010|Archive|

About the Author: Rick Stone

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