Category: Bob’s View

  • Let's start with this: I don't think there is anything special called “Immersive Entertainment”. This is the most blatant kind of industry self-aggrandizing jargon. With all appropriate respect to my friends who actually have celiac disease, “Immersive Entertainment” is the equivalent of the jar of Bubbie’s Kosher Dill Pickles in...

  • As I get older, I find I read more biographies. I guess when you have more road behind you than ahead of you, you get more interested in other folks perspectives on the hike. I am always amazed when I read about writers and storytellers I admire. From Shakespeare to...

  • Poetry is to language what a fine brandy is to grape juice. It is refined, distilled, and concentrated. It has strength and potency and at the same time it’s subtle. A poem invites deliberate contemplation and promises to tantalize, awaken, satisfy and warm and, at the same time, to provoke...

  • In contemplating Lessons From Live Performance, I had to think for a while about what I thought a “live performance” is. I’ve performed as a musician from marching bands to concert choirs to various incarnations of what we used to call “acoustic-country-rock-sci-fi”. I’ve also given talks and told stories ranging...

  • Improvisation immediately drives me to music. I spent a good deal of my life as a “musician” but I used to always tell my bandmates that I wasn’t a “real musician” like them. They knew stuff. They had (and still have), a deep understanding of the musical “field”-used here in...

  • Here, I presume a reasonable lay-person’s familiarity with Shakespeare. Fair, I think, and if you know but two of Shakespeare’s plays one is likely The Tempest (the other with a 98% probability is Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet or Midsummer Night’s Dream). If you are one of those people who (and...

  • The Next Normal My  grandparents never completely let go of the Great Depression. Mistrust of banks, obsessive frugality and a pervasive vigilance persisted for the rest of their lives-which in my Grandmother’s case extended well into the 1990s.  Like the Depression or a World War, Covid-19 represents a human inflection...

  • When I was 9, the walls of my bedroom were covered not with hot rods or pop stars. They were covered with 24" x 36" posters of every rocket in the US fleet. Redstone, Atlas, Titan, Agena, and Saturn-I framed my passion a determination to go to space. Werner Von...