Category: Archive

  • I forgot to mention this earlier. I think the part of the new building that has made the biggest transformation from when we first saw the building until move in day is the design & programming area. It was a cave, with an UGLY navy blue carpet wall covering 3...

  • It wasn't easy and it definitely didn't go as planned, but largely due to the efforts of Rob Hill, we saw hard copies of the design specs for the new audio mixing room today. I'm not an architect so I don't know what half of it means but it looks...

  • Today we held our first production on our new stage. Well, it wasn't a real production but there was talent and a camera. It was a casting session. The stage is far from ready for real production but it was great to have the talent wait in the lounge and...

  • At long last, we have made the purchases for LCD screens for the edit suites. Despite my business credit card not cooperating for unexplainable reasons other than it being maxed out, we got everything taken care of. We landed on 2x 46" Samsung 120Hz LCD screens, one for the Symphony...

  • Our next installment in the Behind the Scenes webisodes, "Ready to Move In" has been posted to the new home website: and it will be active on iTunes and You Tube tomorrow. The next webisode, "Moving Day" will be up in about 2 weeks, we need to do some...

  • We just finished the pre-grand opening event with Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer here at our new home. He was here to welcome us to Downtown Orlando. There were a lot of people from the Mayor's office, EDC, Downtown Development and guests. I thought it went really well. The Mayor arrived,...

  • Tomorrow we have our press event with the Mayor of Orlando. He's coming to our place to welcome us, we're going to thank him and his staff for their support and we're going to make a presentation on behalf of IDEAS to the Mayor's Creative Village vision. We had rain...

  • I think I've mentioned previously that we're trying to figure out what to do with our way finding. Rather than have standard signage throughout the building we're trying to do something more creative. Have you ever seen a Fat Head? It's a vinyl sticker that can be removed and re...

  • It's a hot Sunday afternoon and I'm at work. Fortunately for me, I'm not in charge or the real work being done here today. David and Rick worked really hard and completely upgraded the landscaping around the front door. We had overgrown bushes and after tearing them out but after...

  • Today we had our first birthday party in the new building. Every month we do a cake and celebrate the birthdays of the month. Our April birthdays got screwed with last month being so crazy so we celebrated April & May today.David took Shirley and I to a dive today...

  • Today we had our first staff quarterly update in the new building. After each quarter we do an extended staff meeting in which we give the financial and sales update of the company. We also review the past couple months of highlighted projects and operational issues.This past Tuesday we shot...

  • Today we shot the remaining interviews for the Behind the Scenes webisodes. We shot Phil, Bob, Shirley, David, Mary Anne, Rob, our general contractor, our real estate agent and me. I think we got great stuff. The original round of interviews were only Bob, Shirley and me and we weren't...