Category: Archive

  • A couple weeks ago we hosted a round table discussion involving Kirk Arnold, COO of Avid, Michael Phillips, Principal Product Designer at Avid and about 20 of Central Florida's most highly regarded post production specialists. The evening was put together by the Orlando Post Pros group and we were very...

  • In the age of the “social network” it's more than ever about who you know. But, before there was ever a Facebook or Twitter, there was hanging out at the gym.

  • Last week was a nice reminder to us of what we call The Power of Story. It's not some mystical or “magic bullet” concept (and there is a lot of that going around about story these days). We conducted one of our signature StoryJams for a client who is developing...

  • The Florida Educational Technology Conference (FETC) was held last week here in Orlando, Florida. It is fascinating to see the number of technology offerings available to those in the education industry. From SMART boards to classroom response systems, companies continue to gear up to meet the needs of teachers and...

  • The final installment on our Healthcare Practice. Once our 4-step approach is followed (talked about in our previous entries), we believe an organization's staff can now learn concrete steps to improve patient satisfaction based on our groundbreaking qualitative research and experience design expertise. We help teach an organization what we...

  • In a previous post I talked about our 4-step process for improving the patient experience in hospitals and health care organizations. Through the patient’s eyes, we have developed a proven custom program to enhance and transform their experience and satisfaction ratings, throughout an entire hospital system. Here's the 4-step model...

  • One of the lesser known but very important parts of our business is our work in the healthcare industry. So how do you diagnose, prescribe, and rehabilitate when the one needing treatment is the hospital itself? By seeing through the patient’s eyes, we have developed a proven custom program to...

  • Everyone starts out a new year with wide eyed optimism. You can go to sleep on December 31 burnt out, disgruntled and generally down in the dumps but then wake up on January 1 a new person full of enthusiasm, optimism and feeling like a million bucks. And our company...

  • A year and two days ago I wrote our first blog. A year later and 144 blog posts later, it's now 2010. So just like everyone else, I thought I'd do a year in review post. Obviously the thing that dominated our 2009 was our move. I looked back at...

  • A large part of our business is providing services to clients and them paying us for those services. Inevitably the conversation of pricing comes up. In the current global economic times, finances are much more of an issue than they were a couple years ago. Because of this, we need...

  • Get your head out of the gutter, not those kind of benefits. When we first started talking about moving to Downtown Orlando more than a year ago, one of the things we said would be great was that we were going to meet so many new people. We've now been...

  • Teaching is too important to do alone.™ That’s why the IDEAS Learning team is preparing for the national launch of TeacherStudio™, our new worldwide professional learning community allowing teachers to see, hear, and collaborate with exemplary educators in action. Through a unique combination of networking technology, rich-media, and proprietary tools,...