Category: Archive

  • 03/12/2011, by Bob Allen: We have once again witnessed the StoryJam magic. Even with translation errors (some quite comical), once our client engaged in the making of story, Chinese dissolved, English dissolved and there was only a room full of people creating a new reality together. This new idea-the Eco...

  • Experience is another word for LIFE. We move through our lives and actually measure them as a collection of experiences we label as pleasant, unpleasant and neutral. Thoughts are experiences too—some of our best ones in fact never “actually” happen but they do “really” happen in our thinking. Today, in...

  • When you hear the name Westminster you conjure up thoughts of long standing tradition, stately, historic - well the Westminster Kennel Club has been going strong since 1877 - and this year was another great show! Fortunately the Hound Group was the first one on air which of course I...

  • We were having a discussion the other day about riding the open road and all that it conjures up because my husband happened to find online a picture of the Norton 750 Commando Highrider -circa 1971.  It was the bike we bought when it first came out (the yellow tank...

  • Martin Luther King Jr. is iconic for so many reasons. They are, to me, layered like an onion. At the top is the public figure, the courageous ambassador of nonviolence and American ahimsa-a word that comes from Sanskrit that means “non-harming”. Without his courage and leadership, the civil rights movement,...

  • When you get to be my age, you can become fairly jaded to natural events happening in the universe - if it's not convenient to your schedule you prefer to miss it.  Earlier this week was one of those events that I'm glad we chose not to "sleep in".  It is...

  • Why is everyone who is attempting to impact patient safety in the healthcare field talking about storytelling? Recently I was asked to speak to the QualityNet conference in Baltimore on the uses of storytelling to engage health professionals with important improvement initiatives. The conference is sponsored by CMS—the Centers for...

  • Over the last year we have been asked a number of times what happened to the audio mix room we were building. It’s actually an interesting story. Two years ago when we announced that we were moving from our previous location, one of the main reasons we chose the building...

  • In the spirit of Thanksgiving, over the last couple weeks we have all talked about what we are thankful for, both professionally and personally. So I threw out the request to our staff to send me one thing professionally and one thing personally that they are thankful for. I was...

  • I don't even remember how it started but years ago we started the tradition of having a Thanksgiving lunch for our staff. We usually have it the Thursday before Thanksgiving because Thanksgiving week a lot of people are out and if we have it on Thursday we can have left...

  • Its funny. People are growling for "innovation" and yet when you offer true innovation all of a sudden there is this rush of air as a frenzied stampede leaves the room to try to quickly ground the innovation in the apparent safety of something derivative with the cry "You have...

  • We have been members of the Metro Orlando EDC for many years so we have been invited to their annual bar-b-que for just as long. For the first few years, when we were in our previous location, the bar-b-que was kind of one of those "do we really have to...