Category: Archive

  • IDEAS and our teammates wish our friends at Virgin Galactic the very best during this difficult time. Our thoughts are with the crew, families, friends, and colleagues at Scaled Composites and Virgin Galactic.

  • Getting to China is an all day affair. Actually, it's a two day affair because somewhere out there in the ocean, it becomes tomorrow. Our Team converged on Beijing from Orlando, Los Angeles and Greensboro, North Carolina and considering the logistics, it was a pretty synchronous arrival. There are no...

  • China is in the news, in our consciousness and in the world's eye, every day. But, I'm old enough to have been in the last generation for whom "China" (what the newscasters called "Red China" into the early 70's) was an exotic, forbidden place full of grey clad people riding...

  • We are currently looking for Web Design & Programming interns. Some experience with HTML/CSS/JavaScript (jQuery a plus), PHP/mySQL, Photoshop and/or Illustrator, source control (subversion/git), coding standards (compliant), etc. is required. Candidates must also have experience with WordPress. If you are interested, please send your résumé to John Lux at

  • Once a month birthday dessert treat- Ninja Kick; 4th Friday Fiesta including games, refreshments and margaritas- Karate Chop; Solar Bears hockey games, Pajama Day and Family Breakfast - Roundhouse Kick In the Face…woo…sorry that last one was a little intense, but this my friends, is operation, Ka-pow Morale! It only...

  • My topic of discussion for you today is one of my favorite of all times, Health and Fitness. Those of you that know me, know that I dabble a little in it…LOL. How do I balance a full time job, family life, train others on a part time basis and...

  • In June 2011, our post production audio mixing studio (Audio A) was recently completed, along with the renovations to our recording stage. We talked about easing our way in to sessions by doing some things that didn’t have clients present so we could work out the kinks. It sounded like...

  • When we develop brands for our clients, we build them from a foundation of values. It's a tricky and loaded word bringing to mind prickly subjects like ethics, morals, religion and beliefs. While there are values issues in all of those things, our experience has been that it is simpler....

  • How does one "collaborate?" Multiple people working together to create one thing. Easier said than done. Though collaboration can cause difficult disagreements and arguments, it is also the pathway to new innovative ideas and creative discoveries. The goal here is to get to the genius ideas while avoiding anger and...

  • We are currently looking to fill unpaid post production intern positions. The time frame for the internship is January 4 - April 29, 2016. In the past we have asked for 15 - 25 hours (2-3 days) per week from the interns, mostly during regular business hours (8:30a - 6:00p,...

  • Being a project manager at a creative company like IDEAS has been referred to as “herding cats” which I have to say is a pretty good description. Creative team members can be extremely independent and often work on their own schedules. The one thing I’ve learned as a project manager...

  • I can't say it enough times. Branding is serious business and it absolutely isn't about how trendy your new colors are or how many design award the font you picked wins. A living brand is the organizational constitution. It has to be built on your ethics and vision for the...