Category: Archive

  • Tomorrow, July 1st is Duncan Kennedy’s 15th Workiversary with IDEAS!! What is your favorite part about your job? Every day is different and we get to go/do/see/make things that we would never have the chance to do anywhere else. Any funny stories and/or big accomplishments you’re personally proud of from this year? I was...

  • Tomorrow, June 11th is Bethany Harris’ 4th Workiversary with IDEAS!!   What is your favorite part about your job? My job combines organization, creativity, administration and people…the perfect mix for me! Any funny stories and/or big accomplishments you’re personally proud of from this year? The biggest thing that I am...

  •   Yesterday, June 5th was Charles Moore’s 27th Workiversary with IDEAS!!  What is your favorite part about your job? I love the variety of projects I work on at IDEAS from thrill rides to kids’ books and museum kiosk to web sites. Any funny stories and/or big accomplishments you’re personally...

  • Today, June 1st, is Cass Hensley’s 3rd Workiversary with IDEAS!!  What is your favorite part about your job? My favorite part about my job is that my voice is always heard at IDEAS. I feel like I am truly appreciated here, and I can honestly say that I feel "at home" when...

  • Once upon a time, a mouse laid an egg! Yes, you read that right...a mouse laid an egg. A colorful, creative, peculiar, but wonderful little egg. The egg stayed in the nest a long time, learning and growing, until it toppled out one day to explore the big, wide world....

  • It’s happening! We are moving locations! We are still in the selection process and would love your recommendation. Below are our top three choices, with some input on the things we like and the challenges we may face. Take a look and let us know what you think! Location One...

  • I Have a Confession I'll admit it. I am not involved in politics nor do I know who my state and local legislators are. I know who our President is, and a few random senators, but that's really the extent of my knowledge. If you were to ask me if...

  • This past Friday, January 1st, was Adam Long’s 5th Workiversary with IDEAS!! What is your favorite part about your job? Variety, along with having the opportunity to help people with things on a daily basis. Being able to work on phones, servers, networking and addressing user questions all help expand...

  • One of our editors at IDEAS was recently on assignment in Palm Springs and it triggered some very funny memories of visits to this fabulous town in the California desert. While I was working in Miami it was quite a journey to the land of many, many golf courses and...

  • Heard a great term the other day … “meanager” … as in "viciously acerbic, socially cruel, perpetually sarcastic teenager.” Now, full disclosure here, I do not have a teenager. I have a 9-year old daughter who is an absolute angel, does what she’s told, and always follows the rules (knock...

  • Earlier this year, I compared a number of tools IDEAS has used for cross-platform game development. Ultimately, HTML/JS (browser based) was declared the winner, despite having serious performance issues on older devices. Well, due to the nature of technology lots has changed since then. Less than a month after our...

  • Today is Carlos Lopez’s 3rd Workiversary with IDEAS!! What is your favorite part about your job? I really enjoy being around extremely well-rounded individuals who all want to work together. The company’s team-spirited attitude and how we use each other’s skills to better the team is really great. I also...