Category: Archive

  • One of the best things about using story as a design system is that we often discover that our clients have needs they weren’t even aware of. This is particularly true when we have responded to an RFP because, well, RFP (see older blogs about the tyranny of RFPs!). This...

  • A year ago this weekend, a man, a very broken and damaged man, killed 49 of my neighbors and died himself-predominantly young people who were dancing and relaxing together in what was supposed to be a safe place. This kind of act leaves a mark. It's a bruise on the...

  • DOGMA A point of view or tenet put forth as authoritative without adequate grounds. VALUE Important and lasting insights and ideals shared by the members of a culture about what is good or bad and desirable or undesirable. HABIT A routine or behavior that is repeated regularly and tends to occur subconsciously...

  • Do you ever think about the invisible “I”? The face that hides behind the Twitter account? The speaker in the blog post… When a post from a company’s page pops up on my Facebook most of the time I don’t really pause and think “Somebody wrote that. Someone’s job is...

  • Welcome to the Creative Jungle At IDEAS we thrive on great creative partnerships. Jeff Janes was the lead designer from our partner GES, and sees things in a unique way. We are excited to feature his article on the IDEAS blog. Read on to discover a world of creative chaos! (We LOVE creative...

  • It takes a lot to put a show together. Having a theatre background, I know this better than most. You’ve got to get the actors, the techs, directors, choreographers, musicians, producers, the front of house crew, even sometimes live animals. I once worked with an interesting hen named Red Granny....

  • RFP stands for Request for Proposal, but it may as well stand for Recipe for Plain. When big companies or government organizations send out RFPs they mean well, of course. They say “we want your best thinking on this” or “give us an innovative solution”. The problem is that the...

  • When most people think of the Super Bowl they think of football. This is the natural reaction. Even people like me, who know nothing about sports, know what the Super Bowl is. But, there is much more to this annual event than the much anticipated football game, and this year,...

  • If you look now, at photos and videos of the Future Flight Drop Tower at Super Bowl LIVE, you see a finished product. All shiny and new, ready to fly you and your friends to Mars. But, it was once no more than a thought. Tangible objects all begin as...

  • There will be no politics discussed here! That said, the presidential campaigns are fascinating when viewed through the lens of branded storytelling. If you’re up for it, try this experiment. Pick the Presidential candidate you don't presently support. Now, look at that candidate’s core story. Who are the characters in...

  • What is Pokemon Go? Pokemon Go is a mobile game that was just released here in the United States this past week. I had been aware of this game for quite some time, and I have been pining to play it ever since I signed up for the beta program...

  • Today, July 1st is Bob Allen’s 15th Workiversary with IDEAS!! What is your favorite part about your job? My favorite part about my job is that I don’t have a “job.” I have a number of different jobs and they all interest me. I love the energy and potential of pitching...