Why Storytelling Resonates

By Rick Stone

Originally posted on the Marketing Brain Fodder website, excerpts below:

Some impressions are indelible. The golden sun, slowly dropping from view on a perfect horizon; the smell (and taste) of mom’s fresh-baked cherry cobbler; the eyes of a child in an early instance of wonder. For most of us, a few experiences are deeply etched into the memory banks. They conjure vivid memories that repeatedly nudge their way into the present, becoming context and fabric for the conversations of life — personal and professional.

The best of these stories — those that resonate — are not only born of personal experience; they tap into the experiences of others, becoming the threads that build dialogue and weave strong relationship. And these stories endure.

In recent days I’ve been reminded that the best stories — those that project larger-than-life-images and inspire action — are born and nurtured in relationship. And like relationship itself, new chapters continually emerge. Great stories speak not just of what, but of why. They transcend noise, and find that place of perfect resonance. They inspire. And they are not bound by time. This is why we love storytelling.

Whether advocating an idea or cause, marketing an enterprise, or bridging personal challenge, exponential return is paid on our investments in relationship. For stories will be told.

Click HERE to read the entire article from the Marketing Brain Fodder website and click HERE to learn more about our philosophy on Storytelling.

April 8, 2013|Archive|

About the Author: Rick Stone

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