Teaching is too Important to do Alone

By Kelly Pounds

Teaching is too important to do alone.™ That’s why the IDEAS Learning team is preparing for the national launch of TeacherStudio™, our new worldwide professional learning community allowing teachers to see, hear, and collaborate with exemplary educators in action. Through a unique combination of networking technology, rich-media, and proprietary tools, TeacherStudio™ allows educators from member districts to come together anytime, anywhere to share ideas, receive mentoring, and learn best practices. We’ll be manning a booth with our sales partners (eSchool Solutions) at the National Staff Development Conference held this year in St. Louis, December 5-9.

The product, designed and developed by IDEAS, is currently being alpha tested by teachers and administrators in Seminole County (Florida) Public Schools. We are so thankful for the efforts of their district instructional technology team, led by Diane Lewis. Diane and her team have provided us with myriad suggestions throughout the year for how to make the product better, and they’ve been wonderfully tolerant as we have gone through the development process.

Just before Thanksgiving, we also signed the Metropolitan School District of Wayne Township in Indiana as our first Pilot district. We are excited to begin the rollout there and to connect their users with those from Seminole County so they can begin sharing classroom best practices immediately!

We’re also looking for other districts who might want to use the product FREE OF CHARGE throughout this school year. Check out http://www.teacherstudio.com/ to learn how districts are using the product. You can even drop us a line if you’re interested in attending a Webinar by clicking on the “Request More Information” link on the website.

November 30, 2009|Archive|

About the Author: Kelly Pounds

Kelly brings more than two decades of experience in education, training design and development, organization development and executive coaching to the IDEAS team.

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