Ping Pong and the Innovative Spirit

By Rick Stone

My wife and I spent our summer vacation hiking around Northumberland on the Northeast coast of England as part of a vacation package with daily guides. It was like camp for adults, with all kinds of fun activities each evening. Of course, there was a table tennis tournament, and I was crowned Ping Pong Champion of Northumberland! No trophy, just a nice commemorative notebook with a nifty ball point pen. I had forgotten how much fun ping pong can be. When I returned we were talking in a leadership meeting about the lounge in our offices that had become somewhat dormant. Even though it has a pool table and a Wii, there just didn’t seem to be as much energy to come and hang out there.

So I and Millo Aldea, our Art Director, chipped in and bought a table top for the pool table. Now you may think that Ping Pong is a frivolous activity, but we firmly believe that everyone on the team who is playing is actually doing better work by playing just 15 minutes a day. Those of us who haven’t played for a while are getting our strokes back, and ping pong balls are now flying over the net with wicked top spin. In fact, we’re prepared to take on any office in Central Florida. We’re calling it the Central Florida Creative Village Ping Pong Challenge. Bring it on. Call John Lux today to get on our calendar and don’t forget your protective eye gear!

November 4, 2010|Archive|

About the Author: Rick Stone

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