Webisode Interviews
By John Lux
Today we shot the remaining interviews for the Behind the Scenes webisodes. We shot Phil, Bob, Shirley, David, Mary Anne, Rob, our general contractor, our real estate agent and me. I think we got great stuff. The original round of interviews were only Bob, Shirley and me and we weren’t too far into the packing and moving process so there was only so much to talk about. Now, we’re so much further along with things that there’s plenty of different perspectives and stories. Sam started digitizing this afternoon and we’ll start editing tomorrow. With any luck we’ll have the next webisode on line early next week.
We also got two more of the wall mount units for the LCD/plasma screens today. And we got samples for the clear dry erase boards for outside our offices. If we can figure out a way to attach the baby pictures behind them this will be the way to go. It will keep the baby picture, a place for the name and add a dry erase board for messages.