Way Finding, Lobby LCD & Parking

By John Lux

Today was a very productive day. In between watching the final round of the US Open in HD on a 46″ LCD screen in Bay 2, we put up all of our new way finding signage. Now there’s no excuse if you can’t find a bathroom on either side of the building. The signage looks good, the colors fit well and we’ll see how well people find their way around.

Dennis also hung up the LCD screen in the lobby. Showing samples of our work as guests & clients come in the building is always a nice way to welcome people. Having cable TV, something we didn’t have at the old place, will also be nice to catch up on the hurricane coverage starting in about a month. Hopefully we won’t use it for that too much.

Unfortunately, we came to the realization today that there is one thing some of us really miss from the old building, parking in a covered parking garage. Getting in to a car parked in direct sun light after 8 hours of sitting in 110 degree heat index is not a fun thing. Oh well, we’ll survive.

June 22, 2009|Archive|

About the Author: John Lux

As COO of IDEAS, John manages the day-to-day operations of the company. He is a category expert in studio production and is responsible for bringing advanced digital media technology to IDEAS.

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