Voting – Why Should I?

By Shirley Decker

Just recently I received an email from a gentleman I haven’t seen or spoken with in years. We were both in the hospitality industry in those days and really enjoyed our work. He was one of the few black hospitality execs and probably had to work harder than anyone to fit in and excel – even women who were just barely accepted didn’t have the same challenges. He has one of those wonderful, easy to be with personalities and he made everyone always feel welcome. He had voted early the other day and shared his feelings about the experience with a retired fellow meeting planning exec who in turn shared this note with those of us still in his network of contacts. I am sharing a few of his comments because it gets to the heart of this great country and why voting is such a serious responsibility of all American citizens.

Roman H said “I just have to share my experience today – I exercised my right and privilege to vote! I get excited and emotional every time I vote, it’s a right I will never take for granted or lightly. Our society has a very unique place in history and a whole lot of people suffered and died in wars overseas and in civil strife at home to ensure this right of ours! Please don’t let past sacrifices go in vain – VOTE!”

Well said! It saddens me when I hear friends, clients, associates claim they are too busy, they don’t like the choices, or just don’t seem to care. Don’t waste your voice – if you haven’t voted already, be sure you are in line Tuesday – it really does matter!

November 5, 2012|Archive|

About the Author: Shirley Decker

Drawing on over 25+ years of experience in the hospitality industry as a certified hotel sales executive and several years as a Disney executive, Shirley is responsible for directing business development at IDEAS.

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