Facebook, Twitter, You Tube, Construction & MegaStructures

By John Lux

This week was busy, and it was a short week. We stepped up the social networking marketing. While we continue using Facebook quite a bit (www.facebook.com/ideas.orlando), we are stepping up the Twitter page (http://twitter.com/ideasorlando) and we have started our own You Tube Channel (http://www.youtube.com/ideasorlando). As of today we have more than 50 video clips of our work on our channel. We talked long time about whether to use You Tube or keep all that content on our website. In the end we decided that You Tube is hugely accepted as a content source and it’s just so easy to use that we figured why not use it instead of having to set up our website for that much content.

Tuesday construction started on our stage to build our post audio mixing suite on one part and our insert stage on the other side. Lots of progress was made but it was a bumpy first week of construction. Our acoustical designer was meticulous about the details in order to ensure a perfect acoustical room. Making sure all the little details are followed by the contractors is a big deal. If one thing is not followed it could potentially hurt the acoustics of the room. Rob Hill has already gotten to know the crew very well and I imagine they’ll get to know eachother even more over the next 2 months.

We finished our post production work on the MegaStructures episode about the UK Train for a new client. There were a couple bumps in the process but considering this was our first project with this client I believe overall things went well. We are looking forward to working more with this client in the very near future.

Lots of other good things happening during the week as well. Key is converting good conversations and meetings in to good projects and happy clients. Lots of work on that over the next couple weeks.

September 12, 2009|Uncategorized|

About the Author: John Lux

As COO of IDEAS, John manages the day-to-day operations of the company. He is a category expert in studio production and is responsible for bringing advanced digital media technology to IDEAS.

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