Thomas Gorence’s 9th Workiversary


Today is Thomas Gorence’s 9th Workiversary with IDEAS!!T

  1. What is your favorite part about your job? My favorite part of this job, is being able to work on such a wide variety of projects. One week, it’s a WordPress website. The next, it’s a mobile game. The week after that, it’s creating a kiosk that interfaces with a thermal camera. Other jobs usually involve the same work day in, and day out.
  2. Any funny stories and/or big accomplishments you’re personally proud of from this year? Big accomplishment from this year was delivering 4 original kiosks and 1 original mobile app for Spaceport America. Another huge accomplishment was getting Global Hawk C4ISR kiosk done in a short amount of time, with no experience beforehand!
  3. What’s one of your favorite projects/jobs you have worked on at IDEAS and why? My favorite projects have all been museum related. Crime & Punishment and the Orlando Science Center H2Now exhibit in particular. I wish we could do more of those! (Mark, Shirley, Bob I’m looking at you!)

We’re so glad you’re part of the team T! Happy Workiversary!

October 16, 2015|Archive|

About the Author: IDEAS

We’re a small creative design firm with a proven 20-year (and growing) history of international success. Our team delivers truly inspired brand and experience design solutions for destination, enterprise, organizational and communication challenges.

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