Special Olympics Florida Golf Outing
By Phil Ruggieri

A group of team members from IDEAS joined up at a fundraising event for Special Olympics Florida on Monday October 15, 2012. The event was hosted by the Isleworth Golf Club, as a thank you for the ongoing support that contributors from a variety of companies have made to the program. IDEAS President John Lux led the march on the difficult but exciting golf course. Christine Biondo contributed her golf expertise to the “best ball” event. The real winners of course are the 15,000 athlete heroes who participate in Special Olympics programs throughout the state of Florida. One of those athletes was on hand to share her perspective and also express her Thanks — Brittany Tagliarini told all of the players that “Special Olympics has changed her life.” We feel the same — knowing how much can be done in volunteering has helped us at IDEAS to take time and give an appreciative helping hand back to the community where we live and work.