Shirley Decker’s 18th Workiversary

Today is Shirley Decker’s 18th Workiversary with IDEAS!!
- What is your favorite part about your job? Working with our legacy clients such as Siemens and Disney, keeping the relationship fresh – as well as finding new fans for IDEAS.
- Any funny stories and/or big accomplishments you’re personally proud of from this year? Finally landing the Florida Hospital project after making 3 separate presentations with Duncan to their key staff who needed to be on board – took quite some time from the start of our first exploratory meeting to signing – but well worth it. They are a wonderful team and really care about what they are doing and how to continuously improve on what they deliver to their patients and families. Always need to keep building those creds for future clients as we continue our journey to help improve the patient experience.
- What’s one of your favorite projects/jobs you have worked on at IDEAS and why? There are so many wonderful projects and clients over the last 18 years but two stand out – our commercials for the Super Bowl in 2000 – the client was not only a friend in the industry but a great partner in wrangling her client but it brought out the skill sets of the entire team to put together and produce 4 spots for airing on national television – one of the best team efforts! And our work with Walter Reed National Military Medical Center (the new name) – that work bought us together with a former Disney team mate to create great work on so many levels – for the warrior, for their families, and for the staff of this great healthcare facility. Our work helped them achieve the best patient experience and the status they deserved as a very caring team of healthcare professionals in that final year of operation.
We’re so glad you’re part of the team Shirley! Happy Workiversary!