Rebecca Hodges Selected for Sundance Director’s Lab Summer Program

By John Lux

IDEAS’ Rebecca Hodges has been invited to participate in the Sundance Director’s Lab as a part of the camera team for four weeks this summer. Rebecca will be working as a volunteer Camera Assistant at The Director’s Lab, which consists of eight directors, thirty crew members, and a dozen award-winning advisors from DPs to Directors to actors and editors. Considered the cornerstone of the year-round support the Feature Film Program provides, the Directors Lab is held each year at the Sundance Resort in Park City, Utah.

“It’s an honor to be able to work at the Sundance Director’s Lab this year. I’m looking forward to learning from the best there is,” commented Rebecca Hodges, Director, Editor, and Producer at IDEAS. “Anytime you have the opportunity to collaborate with extraordinary people you need to take advantage of it – and I’m thankful that the entire IDEAS team has been so supportive of me taking the time off to do this. I look forward to getting back after the program and putting everything that I learn at Sundance to good use here at IDEAS.”

The Director’s Lab is from May 25 – June 20, 2013. Over the course of the Directors Lab, participants work with an accomplished group of creative advisors and professional production crews, rehearsing, shooting, and editing key scenes from their scripts. Through this intense, hands-on process, participants collaborate with actors, and find a visual language for their film in an atmosphere where experimentation is encouraged. Surrounded by seasoned professionals, yet removed from the typical pressures of production, the Lab offers a unique opportunity to see the script “on its feet,” develop skills, and take risks. Sundance Institute relies on the generosity and dedication of thousands of volunteers each year, including all of the positions at the Labs. Sundance seeks volunteers locally, nationally, and internationally, who share a commitment to supporting independent film and theatre.

“When Rebecca brought this opportunity to us our first thought was to figure out how to make it happen for her,” stated John Lux, COO of IDEAS. “This is a very unique opportunity. We’re not looking forward to being without Rebecca for a month, but the opportunity for her to advance her long-term personal goals while representing us on such a global stage makes it worth it. We’re looking forward to her blogs, photos, and videos while she’s gone, then coming back and using her skills on current and future IDEAS projects.”

About IDEAS: Located in downtown Orlando, IDEAS is an Innovation Studio using the central premise that powerful stories create powerful experiences. IDEAS creates entertainment, learning, and marketing products for healthcare, corporate, government, and entertainment clients worldwide as well as creating its own intellectual property.

About the Sundance Director’s Lab:

May 2, 2013|News|

About the Author: John Lux

As COO of IDEAS, John manages the day-to-day operations of the company. He is a category expert in studio production and is responsible for bringing advanced digital media technology to IDEAS.

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