Innovative Partnership Creates Next-Generation Teacher Development Solution

By John Lux

IDEAS has teamed with eSchool Solutions, to create and launch TeacherStudio™ ( the first comprehensive web-based, professional community of learning for educators.

“The project has been in development for over three years, and it started with our own feelings of isolation when we were classroom teachers,” commented Kelly Pounds, VP of IDEAS Learning. “TeacherStudio is a deep, collaborative environment with only one purpose – to provide rich and immediately applicable “how to” content.”

IDEAS’ interactive team built the robust, immersive-platform providing comprehensive social networking features and a complete system of proprietary content aggregation, search, and sharing tools. Venture partner eSchool Solutions – the leading provider of preK-12 administrative software and technology solutions – is bringing the product to market. “TeacherStudio is a truly innovative tool that is protected, school-district moderated, and user driven”, noted Brett Fadeley, CEO of eSchool Solutions. “This is now a big part of our integrated portfolio of performance enhancing products and we are excited to roll it out across North America.”

TeacherStudio has already been adopted by Seminole County Public Schools in Central Florida, Metropolitan School District of Wayne Township in Indiana and Anson County Public Schools in North Carolina. Diane Lewis, Director of Instructional Technology in Seminole County Public Schools comments “TeacherStudio allows us to develop a common vision for teaching and learning in the 21st century.”

TeacherStudio provides a robust on-line resource for professional educators to collaborate by sharing best-practices via user-generated video, “templated” planning documents and communication tools. Content is universally searchable and organized into “channels” that are important to a teacher’s success in increasing student achievement – instructional strategies, classroom management, lesson plans and integrating technology into teaching and learning.

In addition, TeacherStudio is the exclusive online home of a collection of multi-media content based on the extraordinary book The Power of Teaching. Written by veteran educator Dr. Joseph Wise, Power of Teaching uses six “power sources” to explain in a practical way HOW teaching can be improved. “Teachers enter our profession to make a difference; we owe them our best efforts in providing practical, realistic and sensible teaching approaches to classroom management and student engagement. We are extremely excited to model and share the Power of Teaching behaviors with teachers within TeacherStudio.”

About IDEAS ( Located in downtown Orlando, IDEAS is an Innovation Studio using the central premise that powerful stories create powerful experiences. IDEAS develops entertainment, learning, and marketing products for clients as well as creating its own intellectual property. IDEAS Learning creates custom and original learning products for both on-line and in person training and learning. IDEAS Innovation offers a proprietary suite of story-based tools to analyze and develop solutions to create brands deliver intentional customer experiences, and create authentic work environments. IDEAS Entertainment produces original film, television, and digital media for the worldwide market. And IDEAS Studio operates a 15,000 square foot digital production and design studio.

About eSchool Solutions ( eSchool Solutions is the leading provider of integrated technology solutions for the preK-12 education market.   In 1987, the Orlando-based company revolutionized substitute management for school systems, completely changing the way districts managed substitutes and employee absences. 

Now, as a total solutions provider, eSchool Solutions provides a full suite of products and services designed to improve administrative efficiency and help school districts work smarter.   The company serves more than 500 school systems, encompassing 29,000 schools in North America.

May 26, 2010|News|

About the Author: John Lux

As COO of IDEAS, John manages the day-to-day operations of the company. He is a category expert in studio production and is responsible for bringing advanced digital media technology to IDEAS.

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