IDEAS Launches New Website

By John Lux

IDEAS announced that it has rolled out its new website ( The new website, including more than 100 samples of work, team bios, blog, Twitter feed and much more, was launched earlier this month as a soft roll-out but is now fully functional.

“The new website is something that has been in the works for months,” commented Shirley Decker, Sr. VP of Business Development at IDEAS. “We have spent so much time on our client’s work it has been difficult to focus on our own materials. However, we are extremely proud of the new site; it is focused on client work and easy for potential clients to learn about what we have done in various industries.”

Created entirely in house, the new IDEAS website is custom designed to emphasize the different industries that IDEAS works in. The site takes full advantage of Word Press technology so it is easy to update and change on a daily basis if needed. The site has no Flash animation and links all video samples from the IDEAS You Tube channel so every aspect of the site is compatible with any mobile device as well as desktop computers. The site was designed to be SEO (search engine optimization) friendly to ensure potential clients can find IDEAS easily by typing in keywords into any search engine.

“The type of work we do and the clients we work with are so diverse it was important to have a website that talks to all of them,” said John Lux, President of IDEAS. “The new website has something for everyone, whether you are in the Corporate, Healthcare, Government/Military, Broadcast, Education, or Destinations industry or whether your work is video editing, post production audio, website design and development, eLearning, motion graphics, mobile apps and games or illustrations. Our focus was to build a site that potential clients could find and once they got there they could learn what they wanted.”

June 24, 2010|News|

About the Author: John Lux

As COO of IDEAS, John manages the day-to-day operations of the company. He is a category expert in studio production and is responsible for bringing advanced digital media technology to IDEAS.

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