IDEAS Launches Campaign Promoting Film & Entertainment Incentive Program

By John Lux

Lead by IDEAS Chief Operating Officer, IDEAS has launched a campaign promoting the Florida Film & Entertainment Incentive Program for TV, film, and digital media. The campaign began with producing a 5 minute video (below) highlighting the specifics of the incentive program and communicating how it positively affects large companies, small businesses, and independent contractors throughout the state of Florida.

“The program is very important for the TV, film, and digital media industry in Florida, unfortunately sometimes incorrect information gets out there from people with agendas and the facts aren’t always heard,” commented John Lux, Chief Operating Officer of IDEAS. “Oftentimes the loudest voice is heard and the loudest voice sometimes is just wrong so we thought it was important to produce a fact-based video that clearly communicates the truth, informs the legislators, and helps the industry to get behind a singular message.”

The current incentive program was put in effect in 2010. The following year, the statute was extended by a year so the entire program included $296 million in tax credits over a 6 year period. In the first three years, virtually all the tax credits were spoken for and that accounted for more than $1.3 billion spent in Florida on goods and services for TV, film and digital media projects while having a $4.1 billion impact on our state’s gross domestic product, created more than 160,000 positions for Florida workers, and was responsible for more than 250,000 lodging/hotel room nights. These projects include high profile episodic television and feature films, independent films, TV commercials, gaming, and more for projects of all sizes.

This past legislative session, the Florida Film & Entertainment Incentive Program was shut-out from additional funding. The campaign launched by IDEAS, along with the efforts from Film Florida, begin the push to ensure the incentive program is not shut out in the upcoming legislative session.

In addition to the video that was created, IDEAS is e-mailing legislators about the program and requesting meetings (either in person or via phone) with as many as possible to help ensure the facts are being communicated prior to the legislative session that begins in early 2014. For more information about the incentive program, visit, contact your local Film Commission, or contact John Lux at or 407-601-7882.

November 18, 2013|News|

About the Author: John Lux

As COO of IDEAS, John manages the day-to-day operations of the company. He is a category expert in studio production and is responsible for bringing advanced digital media technology to IDEAS.

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