IDEAS Hosts Yoga Dog Kickstarter Kick-Off Event
By John Lux

IDEAS and Kids’ Wellness Alliance recently hosted a Kickstarter kick-off event to help promote the launch of Yoga Dog™, a children’s wellness TV show for kids. Yoga Dog™ is a 22-minute “edutainment” video program targeting the imaginations, emotions, and mobility of children everywhere. IDEAS is a partner on the project as well as exclusive provider of turnkey creative, production and post production services. The Kickstarter campaign has a goal of $300,000 by November 17, 2014 to further fund development as well as produce the pilot episode of Yoga Dog.
“When the project was brought to us, it was one of those, ‘you had us at kid’s health’ type things,” commented John Lux, Chief Operating Officer of IDEAS. “When the team at Kid’s Wellness Alliance brought Yoga Dog to us, it was a slam dunk. Working in the entertainment industry on a project that helps kids be healthier is something our company has a passion for and we look forward to seeing this product flourish.”
Jennifer Foster is the Founder of KWA. Over the past 20+ years, she has produced a wide variety of entertainment, educational, and broadcast media for both Foster Productions, Inc. and is a frequent contributor to many of IDEAS projects. Foster’s passion for creating entertaining and compelling media, coupled with her vision for raising the bar on children’s entertainment, are the driving forces behind KWA and Yoga Dog.
“We believe we can help drive down childhood obesity rates in America and give kids the tools they need to maintain healthy levels of self-worth to be as happy and healthy as they can be,” noted Jennifer Foster, creator of Yoga Dog. “We also believe that ‘play’ is a vital part of children’s lives so we encourage audiences to use their imaginations to step outside of their daily life experiences, to be silly and have fun.”
IDEAS will provide services including concept development, producing, scripting, shooting, animation, audio/editorial services, duplication, and production management for Yoga Dog™, while IDEAS’ Instructional Designers will also help develop, and review, all content to ensure alignment with state and national standards for children’s educational content.
Click HERE for more about Yoga Dog and click HERE to contribute to the Kickstarter campaign.
About Kids Wellness Alliance: Kids’ Wellness Alliance is a children’s health and wellness edutainment company founded, in 2013, on the belief that kids deserve entertainment that honors their spirit and nurtures their minds and bodies. Our motto at KWA! is “Laugh. Stretch. Play. Every Day!”. We truly believe that we can teach kids to unlock their own inner powers and potential through physical activity, positive engagement, and purposeful play.
About IDEAS: Located in downtown Orlando, IDEAS is a media and experience design company using the central premise that powerful stories create powerful experiences. IDEAS creates products for healthcare, government, enterprise, and entertainment clients worldwide as well as creating its own intellectual property. The team at IDEAS has more than 400 years aggregate experience in concept development, experience design, branding, training, and media production, and mobile development. For more about IDEAS visit