IDEAS Helps REBUILD globally
By John Lux

IDEAS recently completed its proprietary design-thinking system StoryJam™ with REBUILD globally, recent winner of the Orlando, Inc. B.I.G. Award. REBUILD globally is a nonprofit in Haiti providing living wage employment for survivors of the devastating 2010 earthquake. The initial StoryJam session (see photos below) took place at the Downtown Orlando Studios of IDEAS in December with the analysis and findings taking place through early January.
“From the minute I saw the REBUILD globally video at the B.I.G. Awards, I was captivated by this story. REBUILD globally isn’t a company, its an incredible adventure with tremendous heart,” Bob Allen, Chief Storytelling Officer of IDEAS, remarked. “We’re really fortunate to have the opportunity to help them develop the narrative framework for their brand. This company has the potential to scale and be a force for social transformation through enterprise- something we need a lot more of in the world.”
StoryJam is the IDEAS-designed iterative experience that evolved from years of creating and using stories in the entertainment industry. The StoryJam process results in the creation of a breakthrough story for an organization. Using this story as the foundation, an actionable plan is then presented, along with a distilled set of detailed StoryAnalytics™ collected during the process, enabling a client to drive change and chart an intentional and meaningful path into the future, for their employees, a product, a brand, or an organization. A clear organizational Story clarifies intent, nails purpose, creates advocates, drives brand charter, guides design, and informs operations. StoryJam is both process and product and is the precursor to developing the tools and training required to create powerful organizational outcomes.
“Since the inception of REBUILD globally, we have never had such a large group of professional, creative people in one room for so long completely focused on our story. The StoryJam reminded me of why we created REBUILD globally in the first place and gave me the much needed encouragement to see the bigger part of our story,” commented Julie Colombino, Founder of REBUILD globally. “It was amazing to know that there are so many people who care enough to use their individual talents to focus on us for a whole day. Our StoryJam session has given our team (and me personally) an inspirational boost that has catapulted us into 2013!”
REBUILD globally was founded in an effort to support the most vulnerable populations of Haiti. Their initiative is to address the critical issues of unemployment in the adult population and the conditions of destitute children living on Haiti’s streets. As recommended by the Institute for Justice and Democracy in Haiti, REBUILD globally’s methods align with a rights-based approach to relief and reconstruction. Their product is sandals, however their impact runs deeper than the streets and waterways they are keeping clean. Their artisans, apprentices, and street children are equipped with trade skills, English classes and entrepreneurial training that is invaluable to supporting their return to independent living. REBUILD globally can be found on-line at and January 10-12, 2013 in Orlando at Surf Expo, the largest and longest-running board sports, beach lifestyle, and fashion trade show in the world.
About Rebuild globally ( In response to the devastating earthquake of January 12th, 2010, REBUILD globally was established to improve the lives of those most affected in Port-au-Prince and the surrounding area of Haiti via provision of living wage employment opportunities that also reduce pollution. Their mission is to improve the quality of life and create healthier environments for people in distressed communities by using new and innovative techniques that promote recycling, eco-friendly development, gainful employment, agriculture and education. Visit to make a tax-deductible charitable contribution or to purchase your own pair of REBUILDERS recycled tire sandals.