Good Old Systems

By Bob Allen

A while back, I discussed (politely, with just a light dusting of snark) what I call the “danger of the THING”-that all pervasive one “new idea” that will cure what ails ye. My social media is still flooded with click bait of various kinds from TED talks to books to “creativity seminars”. They range from the sublimely ridiculous:

“Eat beets and you will never get sick again”

to conspiracy theories:

“Big Pharma is repressing secret science about the amazing healing power of [INSERT COMMON OR “NATURAL” SUBSTANCE HERE] to keep you from curing cancer/diabetes/athletes foot/etc.”

to business and life advice:

“THIS (and only this, presented by ME) is the secret to creativity/design-thinking/innovation”

So imagine my excitement when I got today’s link to Evonomics, an interesting online journal of new economic thinking, and it had an article that actually lays out a way of modeling and even implementing innovation within a context of management. I encourage you to check out the link below and see what Mr. Hwang has to say. Good stuff! Doable stuff! No magic, no reductionism-just a solid systems approach.

Gotta run now. I’m having some deep fried gluten and coffee to wash down the handful of medicines I’m taking on my way to a seminar ;)



May 15, 2018|Archive|

About the Author: Bob Allen

Bob spent 25 years with the Walt Disney Company before founding IDEAS back in 2001. He is a nationally recognized speaker, avid bike rider, and Zen teacher/practitioner.

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