Doris Shepherd’s 13th Workiversary


DorisToday is Doris Shepherd’s 13th Workiversary with IDEAS!!

  1. What is your favorite part about your job? Best thing I truly love about my job are the people I work with and the support I get from them.
  2. Any funny stories and/or big accomplishments you’re personally proud of from this year? I have no funny stories but one thing I did this summer was compete in a National bodybuilding women Masters Physique competition in Pittsburgh. Among over 1000 competitors in many different classes and divisions, I placed 7th in my division.
  3. What’s one of your favorite projects/jobs you have worked on at IDEAS and why? Although I don’t frequently have the opportunity to be directly involved with projects, I’m proud of the projects we get involved with that makes such a positive impact on individuals lives and experiences.

We’re so glad you’re part of the team Doris! Happy Workiversary!

September 22, 2015|Archive|

About the Author: IDEAS

We’re a small creative design firm with a proven 20-year (and growing) history of international success. Our team delivers truly inspired brand and experience design solutions for destination, enterprise, organizational and communication challenges.

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