Category: Olivia’s View

  • What is immersive entertainment? Does anyone really have a definition? A good definition? You can argue that the next shiny new thing in “immersive entertainment” is some kind of video game, or a new form of theatre, or the next great theme park. It really doesn’t matter what the claim...

  • A story can be born from a simple thing. Look around. Find an object near you. What draws your eyes? What has an intriguing texture? Pick it up. What story is attached to this object? Is it something that really happened? Does your object evoke a memory? Or, does it...

  • Poetry is raw emotion, it’s what happens when you tear yourself apart and make something with the pieces. It can be clever, tragic, beautiful, grotesque, melancholy. It can be anything. I think a lot of poetry is made to be read aloud, sometimes sung. It’s full of such luscious, delicious...

  • ...think but this, and all is mended, That you have but slumber'd here While these visions did appear. And this weak and idle theme, No more yielding but a dream, Gentles, do not reprehend: if you pardon, we will mend: And, as I am an honest Puck, If we have unearned...

  • I feel I have very little authority on the topic of improv. I mean, in various acting classes and shows over the years we’ve done fun improv games as a sort of warm up, and the way I stumble my way through life could be considered a kind of improv,...

  • It's spooky season folks! October is here! Autumn is here! It truly is the most wonderful time of the year. Now, I love a good villain, a nice juicy complex villain who has depth and emotion. Yeah, that’s quality content. I love being cast as villains, I love writing villains,...

  • Experience Design is a pretty broad term. Break it down and it’s just the practice of...well...designing an experience. That can be anything from a museum to a cruise to a theme park. My primary area of interest is the arts, so when I think of experience design I think of...

  • "Themed Entertainment’s Obsession With Space Exploration" That's the topic of the month. But what is “Themed Entertainment?” Am I the only wondering that? I mean, is it code for theme parks? Am I expected to talk about Disney? I think “Themed Entertainment” is vague enough for me to talk about...

  • I’m just gonna go ahead and say it. I’m not a scientist. Like, I am deeply not a scientist. I know you've heard it before. I’m just one of those hopeless creatives, maybe a little bit pretentious, close observer, and writer of one too many metaphors and one hundred too...