Wrapping Up Contractor Meetings

By John Lux

Thursday was a very busy day at the new building. We had another 7 meetings with potential contractors for the build out. A couple of the meetings were follow ups but most were people seeing the building for the first time. It amazing how the same building can be seen so differently through different eyes. Between all the groups we have met with we have talked to close to 50 people and we learn so much just by talking to each one of them.

We seem to really be making progress in what/who we want to put in each area. It’s taken a little while but it seems to (mentally) be coming together well. Now the real exciting part will be seeing that come together with the physical build out and then the move.

This week will be interesting, we’ll learn more about the timing of the finances required to do the build out, we meet with people from the city to do a walk through of the building to get their initial take and talk about permitting, we’ll start getting the bulk of the bids from the potential contractors and we will see the flooring samples we ordered last week.

January 16, 2009|Archive|

About the Author: John Lux

As COO of IDEAS, John manages the day-to-day operations of the company. He is a category expert in studio production and is responsible for bringing advanced digital media technology to IDEAS.

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