WIFT Meeting & Follow Up Meetings

By John Lux

Last night we hosted the Women In Film & Television 2nd Quarter General Meeting. My unofficial unsophisticated count was 108 guests and I know I missed at least 5-10 people. By far, the most people we have had in our new building. The turn out was one of the largest WIFT meetings in recent memory. We’re assuming 99% of that was people wanting to hear State of Florida Film Commissioner Lucia Fishburne speak and 1% was to see our new building but that’s ok, we’re happy to ride anyone’s coat tales if it means a full house at our place. We’ve have wanted to host a WIFT meeting for about a year and a half now but it made no sense to have the meeting at our old place before we moved so we’ve been putting it off each quarter so it was good to finally have it work out. This was second large function we have had since we moved, the first was the event with Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer on May 21. Each time we have groups in the building we learn a little more about traffic flow in the building and where people like to congregate. We take notes so we can properly prepare for our big client party in the fall.

Remember the group Bob, Phil & Shirley went to Boca last week to meet with. They called on Saturday and wanted to come up here to see our place and meet our team. Obviously that’s a great sign but man did it make for a long eventful day. We started prepping for them around 10am and left last night at 9:30pm and we were pretty much “on” the whole time. Hopefully more to come from this group.

July 21, 2009|Archive|

About the Author: John Lux

As COO of IDEAS, John manages the day-to-day operations of the company. He is a category expert in studio production and is responsible for bringing advanced digital media technology to IDEAS.

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