What We Are Thankful For

By John Lux

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, over the last couple weeks we have all talked about what we are thankful for, both professionally and personally. So I threw out the request to our staff to send me one thing professionally and one thing personally that they are thankful for. I was going to write an overall blog talking about the things we are thankful for in a general sense but I thought each item was important enough to stand on its own. In no particular order other than the order they were sent to me, below is a summary of what things some members of our team are thankful for.

Duncan Kennedy: Personal: For family and friends. Professional: That I get to work on such diverse and interesting things.

Kelly Pounds: Personal: I am thankful for great health for the last ten years, despite the predictions of doctors to the contrary. Professional: I am thankful for the best team of instructional designers anywhere!

Millo Aldea: Personal: I’m thankful for the daily opportunities given to all of us towards achieving positive growth. Professional: I’m thankful for my ears that listen. I’m thankful for a mind that absorbs. I’m thankful for my heart that even though fearful, takes action.

Jason Vega: Personal: The birth of my new daughter. Professional: Being a part of such a cool and intelligent crew at IDEAS.

Christine Biondo: Personal: For all my talents, treasures and the small miracles that happen in my life everyday. Professional: For my IDEAS Family. Their beauty is in the way they all give to me without even knowing it.

Shirley Decker: Personal: I am thankful for my best friend and spouse, Bob Decker for over 46 years of love and friendship (and also my wonderful non-human family!). Professional: I am blessed in working with a truly passionate, creative, and dedicated team who understand the importance of quality work!

Mark Edson: Personal: I think that I’m most thankful for the love of my wife, son and daughter.  Professional: I’m thankful that I can come to work and rub elbows every day…with true genius. IDEAS is a team of some of the world’s finest strategic communicators and designers, that deliver their expertise across a broad range of mediums. It’s so much fun to come to work every day, and see this creative brilliance developed and deployed for clients and projects that we care so much about. I’m thankful that these guys let me hang out with them!

John Lux: Personal: I am thankful that I have my daughter, Jessica. Professional: I am thankful that we have clients who continue to pay us for doing what we enjoy doing.

Rebecca Hodges: Personal: I am thankful to have loved ones to spend the holidays with. Professional: I am thankful to have been given the opportunity to work with everyone at IDEAS.

Phil Ruggieri: Personal: I am thankful that the Russian government lets us adopt their homeless kids. Business: Our track record of Happy Customers.

Greg Galloway: Personal: Friends and family that step up without hesitation during a crisis. Professional: Clients that get bang for their buck by heeding advice!

Wendy Cydrus: Personal: I am thankful for an unbelievable support system that consists of amazing friends and family. Professionally: I am thankful to work with colleagues that challenge me and push me to be a better person both at work and in everyday life.

Rob Hill: Personal: I am thankful for being healthy enough to ride my bike to work, and the wonderful trails that make it a joy, every day. Professional: I am thankful to be working with a great group of people in an environment of caring and flexibility.

Rick Stone: Personal: Am thankful for the gift of being able to walk in nature and see the beauty of creation. Professional: I’m thankful for the opportunity to make a real difference in the world of healthcare.

Caroline Masse: Personal: A supportive hubby and a sister and nephew who are now close by… and of course Gus and Pudge! Professional: A helpful and supportive team… exciting and worthwhile projects… and someone to help me with my football picks!

November 29, 2010|Archive|

About the Author: John Lux

As COO of IDEAS, John manages the day-to-day operations of the company. He is a category expert in studio production and is responsible for bringing advanced digital media technology to IDEAS.

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