The Week That Was

By John Lux

Nothing major this past week but a lot of little things. We spent the week in the Symphony with our client that is producing a show for the National Geographic Channel. We were supposed to be done by the end of the week but mid-way through the on-line edit the client realized additional changes needed to be made. We quickly went from on-line/color correction mode to off-line edit mode. Instead of finishing this past week we’ll finish this coming week. We continue talking with the client about additional future work which we look forward to.

We sent a team to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico this week to do two site visits for future resorts. Over the past couple years we have grown our Experience Design business. We work with clients to ensure the best guest experience possible. We do this for hotels/resorts, museums and even hospitals. While people don’t necessarily want to be in a hospital the end result should be that guests (patients) enjoy their stay as much as possible. The overall principals are the same so our goal in Mexico is to begin formulating what the best possible experience can be for the guests before the resort is even designed and built.

We had a team from Ascension Health in this week for a day long session to work further on the eLearning course we are creating for them. The course will combine teamwork training and simulation exercises in order to improve communication and teamwork skills and in the end, ensure the safety of expecting mothers and their babies. Our team then went down to Miami to experience the physical simulator at work. Ascension Health is the nation’s largest nonprofit health system.

We also spent a good amount of time this week working on our You Tube channel. We created a channel to make it easy to upload samples of our work for clients to view and/or people to stumble upon our samples and learn more about us. More on the channel later.

We also completed the prep work to start the audio build out next week. Our architect finalized the plans and our electrical engineer finalized the complicated electrical plans. Demolition work starts this coming Tuesday. Obviously more on that later.

And finally this week we celebrated College Colors Day Friday by people wearing their favorite college colors and we had a little tailgate bar-b-que for lunch. All to celebrate the opening of College Football season. Nothing like watching college football in HD with picture in picture.

September 5, 2009|Archive|

About the Author: John Lux

As COO of IDEAS, John manages the day-to-day operations of the company. He is a category expert in studio production and is responsible for bringing advanced digital media technology to IDEAS.

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