The Guest Experience of the Future

By Phil Ruggieri

Earlier this week we shared a view into the future with one of our clients. We call it the “Guest Experience of the Future”.  Just what is it? — the combination of the power of story, wrapped in leading edge technologies — all combined to deliver a personalized and immersive guest experience.

Our solution spans a value chain. Starting with Digital Intelligence Capture. We use this market intelligence to design and to deliver one to one consumer content. We then wrap that in with IDEAS unique secret sauce, Experience Design. We then deliver personalized, valuable offerings and informaion, unique to each individual, through an immersive mobile delivery system.

What makes this unique? Our technology can reach people with mobile phones from any wireless carrier, both U.S. and international. The audience is global, and so is our solution. Also, our content is personalized to the individual, and it is designed to be a win/win solution … a win for the audience and a win for business.

October 28, 2011|Archive|

About the Author: Phil Ruggieri

As CEO of IDEAS, Phil is tasked with fueling our growth and expansion plans.

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