The Future of Education

By Bob Allen

IDEAS is wonderfully eclectic. We are often working on a new kids website, a highly technical immersion center for a government or corporate client and an organizational transformation program for a fortune 500 company all on the same day. That diversity is what leads to the extraordinary opportunities we get to interact with world-class professionals. We are as we speak in the woods of Kiawah Island in South Carolina participating in a two day think-tank with some leading superintendents and educational reformers. We are having a very robust session built around a new protocol for teaching teachers better skills called The Power of Teaching developed by our old friend Joey Wise. Part of the work today is sharing the progress of our new TeacherStudio ( on-line professional network with this top user group. We got a lot of good feedback and its always awesome to see how the right group of minds can co-create given the presence of a compelling need and an opportunity to fill it. It helps when the place is beautiful too!

November 19, 2009|Archive|

About the Author: Bob Allen

Bob spent 25 years with the Walt Disney Company before founding IDEAS back in 2001. He is a nationally recognized speaker, avid bike rider, and Zen teacher/practitioner.

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