Stage Prep

By John Lux

The Stage was the first place that stuff went when we started moving things from our old building to the new one back in March. Since that time the Stage has been quite the dumping ground. When we were packing if we didn’t really have a place for something, it was assigned to the Stage. Then once we got to the new building if we didn’t like where something was assigned, it went to the Stage. We knew all along that we needed to get the Stage cleaned out in order to start construction on Audio A. And as things progressed with the design of Audio A we would make baby steps in getting it clean. But every time we would get something out of the Stage, something would be put in there, or should I say dumped.

About 6 weeks ago we had recyclers come in and take a fair amount of things that we determined were no longer needed. Then today they came back to take the remaining items that we no longer needed. The arrived around 10am and by 11am they were done and the stage was as clean as it has been since the beginning of March. We still have a number of things on the stage but they are organized, stacked and covered with a tarp on the far west side of the Stage. We are now officially ready for construction to commence on the Audio A mix room inside the Stage. Design plans were locked last week, General Contractor was chosen and contracts signed last week, architect finished plans today and are now ready for turning in for permit. Scheduling reasons are keeping us from starting next week so construction is officially slated to start Tuesday September 8, 2009. For pictures of the Stage after it was cleared out visit our new home website

August 26, 2009|Archive|

About the Author: John Lux

As COO of IDEAS, John manages the day-to-day operations of the company. He is a category expert in studio production and is responsible for bringing advanced digital media technology to IDEAS.

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