Spending Money

By John Lux

Today we finalized which LCD screens we’re getting for the lobby, Bay 1 & Bay 2. We also decided and ordered the mounting mechanisms for all of the monitors, LCDs and plasmas. The LCDs in Bay 1 & Bay 2 will be the full motion- can pull away from the wall, tilt up and down and pan right and left. The others will be static wall mounts.

David and I installed the new track lighting fixtures in the machine room and our extra edit suite. Sam & Rob installed the window tinting in Audio B. Dennis pulled out the white boards to firm up the “to-do” list and schedule for the technical work still to be done (see photos on the new home website www.ideas1stg.wpengine.com/ideasnewhome). We also ordered some clear white boards that might go outside our offices with our baby pictures behind them to serve as a frame for the pictures but also be a functional way to leave messages when people aren’t in their offices. We ordered a couple to see how they would work. If they do, we will get the rest. A couple possible suppliers for our way finding are also sending samples for us to see and decide on. I also spent some time in the vault today continuing the organization process.

May 6, 2009|Archive|

About the Author: John Lux

As COO of IDEAS, John manages the day-to-day operations of the company. He is a category expert in studio production and is responsible for bringing advanced digital media technology to IDEAS.

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