Sharing Your Business Success Stories Can Land New Customers

By Shirley Decker

Originally posted on the Orlando Business Journal website on March 30, 2012 by Greta Schulz.

About five years ago, I had Lasik surgery and the doctor told me it would take a bit longer to heal and I would have some pain in that process. I ran out of pain medication, and when the doctor tried to call in a prescription, he was told the medicine is a narcotic, so he couldn’t call it in. When I asked what I could do, he said he would drive to my drugstore, fill out the prescription and hand it in.

I’ve told that story several times, and the reason I share it with you is to let you understand that people remember stories a little better than a recommendation. Often when I share that story, especially in front of a room when I’m doing a workshop or a seminar, people will come to me afterward and ask for the name of my doctor. And I know he’s had at least two or three new patients just from me telling that story. So, what does that mean to you? It means the two reasons you don’t get more referrals are that you don’t ask and you don’t ask properly.

Asking properly means you have to think about something specific you’ve done for a client. Think about what you did over and above to help them. Make sure you describe, in specific detail, what their issue was and what you, or somebody in your organization, did to help with it. That’s what people are going to remember and share. And that’s what is going to get you referrals.

So what have you done for customers lately, and who have you shared that with?

Click HERE to read the article from the Orlando Business Journal website by Greta Schulz.

This blog further verifies our notion of the importance of Storytelling in business. The below clip is from our StoryAnalytics Master talking about Why Stories are so Powerful.


March 30, 2012|Archive|

About the Author: Shirley Decker

Drawing on over 25+ years of experience in the hospitality industry as a certified hotel sales executive and several years as a Disney executive, Shirley is responsible for directing business development at IDEAS.

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