Sam Patterson’s 14th Workiversary


SamToday is Sam Patterson’s 14th Workiversary with IDEAS!!

  1. What is your favorite part about your job? Problem solving and working with cool people.
  2. Any funny stories and/or big accomplishments you’re personally proud of from this year? Finishing all the videos for Spaceport America and being happy with the result.
  3. What’s one of your favorite projects/jobs you have worked on at IDEAS and why? One of my favorite projects was Adventures in Wonderland for Disney. The production staff was great and I enjoyed the creative freedom. More recently, working with John Best and crew on the parades he produces in Washington,  DC has been enjoyable.

We’re so glad you’re part of the team Sam! Happy Workiversary!

September 23, 2015|Archive|

About the Author: IDEAS

We’re a small creative design firm with a proven 20-year (and growing) history of international success. Our team delivers truly inspired brand and experience design solutions for destination, enterprise, organizational and communication challenges.

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